happy woman looking at phone


The aim of Monte Vista Elementary School is to graduate responsible and productive citizens with strong critical thinking and academic skills by providing a rigorous, dynamic, comprehensive curriculum delivered in partnership with the community, family and a competent, qualified staff in a safe and caring environment.

Our teachers and staff work hard to provide the best educational experience for our students. Parent partnership is a high priority and is essential for student success. Monte Vista Elementary School has a rich tradition of outstanding student achievement and we provide a sound, standards-based education, while promoting high moral character of all students.

We have developed this website to be a valuable resource for our school community and hope you visit on a regular basis as well as participate in the educational process of your children. Strong school board and administrative leadership, excellent teachers and staff, positive parental involvement and community support enables all students to reach high academic standards.

We are committed to moving forward and continuing to pledge our best effort on behalf of your children.